https// serves one application:
Dexter Development Environment version 4.
DDE has several deployment platforms.
This "cloud" variant is the easiest for most people to access.

DDE is an application that:

We highly recommend modern versions of the Chrome browser.
DDE will mostly work in Safari, but there's bugs in the user interface.
Chrome on Android phones doesn't work for large applications like DDE.

To drive a Dexter robot (not just the simulator)
please read: DDE4 Doc pane
User Guide/Configure Browser for DDE4 Cloud

Use DDE4.2.3 Released Feb 12, 2025
Use DDE4.2.2 Released Jul 1, 2024
Use DDE4.2.1 Released May 2, 2024

How decide which release to use
Our goal in making a release is for the release to be at least as good,
in close to all ways, than the previous release, and to have some significant benefits.
So we encourage you to use the latest.
But just in case we make a mistake, previous releases are available.
If you're about to do a demo, use the release you've tested your demo in.
Every release contains release notes for itself and previous releases.
See Doc pane (upper right), top level item: Release Notes.