Loading Dexter Development Environment ...
  • File▼
    • New
    • Open...
    • Load...
    • Load & start Job...
    • Download file...
    • Upload file...
    • Upload folder...
    • Insert file...
    • Insert file path
      • into editor...
      • into cmd input...
    • Save
    • Save as...
    • Auto Save
    • Remove
    • Use NPM
    • Preferences...
  • Edit▼
    • Undo       /⌘z
    • Redo
    • Find...Ctrl/⌘f
    • Find Next Ctrl/⌘g
    • Find Prev Shift Ctrl/⌘g
    • Replace...
    • Fold All
    • Unfold All
    • Select expr alt-click
    • Select All Ctrl/⌘A
    • Indent Sel: shift-tab
    • Pretty Print
    • Animate UI
    • Right click menu in Editor pane has more operations.
  • Learn JS▼
    • Help
    • JavaScript Example
    • Comments
      • Comment out selection
      • Comment to end of line
    • Debugging
      • Help
      • console.log(...)
      • debugger;
      • Control.step_instructions()
      • Control.debugger()
    • User Interaction
      • alert("Hi.")
      • confirm("Do it?")
      • prompt("Price?", "$1")
    • true & false
      • true
      • false
      • and
      • or
      • not
    • Math
      • Arithmetic Example
      • plus
      • minus
      • times
      • divide
      • Pi
      • (...)
    • Comparisons
      • Compare Example
      • less than
      • less or equal
      • equal
      • more or equal
      • more than
      • not equal
    • Strings
      • literal string with "
      • literal string with '
      • multi-lined string
      • add strings
      • length
      • get a character
      • get characters
      • split string
      • string equal
      • startsWith
      • endsWith
      • replace
    • Arrays
      • make literal array
      • length
      • get an element
      • set an element
      • push an element
    • Date
      • new Date day month year
      • new Date and time
      • new Date by ms
      • Date.now()
      • Date valueOf()
      • Date toString()
      • new Duration("01:14:05")
      • new Dur(h,m,s,ms)
      • Dur.milliseconds
    • Variables
      • Example
      • Initialize variable
      • Set variable value
    • JavaScript Objects
      • Example
      • Cheat Sheet
    • Control Flow
      • if (single-armed)
      • if (multi-armed)
      • for (# of times)
      • for each array elt
      • try {catch errors}
      • dde_error
      • setTimeout
    • Functions
      • Example
      • named function def
      • anonymous fn def
      • return (from fn)
  • Insert▼
    • Series
      • Help
      • Navigation
        • Next item  →
        • Prev item   ←
        • Next series  ↓
        • Prev series  ↑
      • JavaScript
        • Punctuation
        • Boolean
        • Bitwise
        • Global fns
        • Number
          • integer
          • float
          • arithmetic
          • comparison
          • math
          • trigonometry
          • number misc
          • number constant
        • Object Name
        • Assignment
        • Strings & Arrays
          • literal string
          • string
          • array
          • forEach
        • Date
          • hours:mins:secs
          • time
          • 3 letter month
          • full month
          • date
        • Control Flow
          • if
          • for
          • try
        • Function
      • HTML
        • HTML Tags
        • HTML Properties
        • CSS(Style) Properties
      • DDE
        • Units System
          • Help
          • length
          • angle
          • duration_units
          • frequency
          • mass
          • force
          • pressure
          • torque
          • power
          • energy
          • temperature
        • Object System
        • Output
          • output functions
          • color name
          • color rgb
        • Window
        • File
        • Job
          • job name
          • job method
        • Robot
          • Help
          • instruction
          • robot config
          • robot status label
          • robot subclass
          • robot name
          • serial port
        • Dexter Robot
          • Dexter utility
          • Dexter constant
          • oplet
          • w oplet address
          • set_param name
        • Music
          • Note
          • Phrase
        • Test Suite
    • Print to output
      • out(...)
      • out(...)
      • out(...)
    • Editor.insert
    • Color...
    • show_window
      • Help
      • Simple Message
      • Window Options
      • Buttons
      • Sliders
      • Menu
      • Many Inputs
      • onchange calls
      • svg (2D drawing)
      • Modify Window
      • Close all windows
    • Machine Vision
      • Help
      • Convert to gray
      • in_range B&W
      • Blur
      • Blob Detector
      • Process Webcam
      • Locate Object
      • Picture Similarity
    • show_page(...)
    • get_page
    • Sound
      • beep()
      • beep with options
      • beeps(3)
      • speak()
      • speak with options
    • Music
      • Help
      • Phrase Examples
      • Midi.init()
    • Examples
      • Make Dictionary
      • Nat Lang Reason
    • ezTeach
  • Jobs▼
    • Help
    • Show report
    • New Job Ctrl/⌘j
    • Eval & Start Job
    • Insert Example
      • 0. Simplest
      • 1. Simple
      • 2. Dexter-moving
      • 3. Dexter & Fns
      • 4. Generators
      • 5. Sync Jobs
      • 6. User Input
      • 7. Human Instrs
      • 8. Enter Instr
      • 9. Async Fns
      • 10. Serial Port
      • 11. when_stopped
      • 12. Control.go_to
      • 13. Control.loop
      • 14. TestSuite Job
    • Run Instruction
      • selection
      • Show Dialog...
    • Wrap Instructions
    • DXF.init_drawing()
    • Run Job on Dexter
    • Messaging...
  • Dexter▼
    • Browse Dexter
    • Calibrate Dexter...
    • Dexter UI...
    • Talk to Dexter...
    • Monitor Dexter...
    • Reboot Joints
    • Reboot Dexter
    • Robot Status
    • Show errors.log
    • Start Options
    • Update Firmware
  • Test▼
    • Help
    • Insert Example
    • Navigation
      • Run&sel next Alt-→
      • Sel next  Alt-Sh-→
      • Prev item   Alt-←
      • Down item  Alt-↓
      • Up Item  Alt-↑
    • Show suite stats
    • Insert all
    • Run all TestSuites
    • Run TestSuite File
    • Selection to test
  • View▼
    • JavaScript
    • HCA (FPGA)
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simulate real both   JS debugger 🥚